Attacking The Pile of Shame Pt5: Howling Griffons Reinforcements

I have also begun the process of building up the last wave of Primaris from Imperium.These will be joining my budding Howling Griffons force.I do have another squad of Outriders and an extra ATV or two as well. One of those ATVs will likely join the Silver...

Master of Ordnance Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My third and final Master of Ordnance, you can see the other two Masters of Ordnance, old school, metal cool models. I love him! Master of Ordnance 360° Master of Ordnance – Completed Gallery These were taken with my Samtian...

Officers of the Fleet Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My first Officers of the Fleet are completed, ready to accompany my Valkyrie and Vulture on the battlefield. Officers of the Fleet 360° Video Officers of the Fleet – Completed Gallery These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox....

Attacking The Pile of Shame Pt4: Imperial Guard Characters

The hordes of the Imperial Guard need guidance and leadership.Courtesy of Warhammer Imperium is an £8.99 Inquisitor Draxus.  It's not a model I would normally have bought but, for a low price as part of the collection, I'm not complaining.Following the latest...

Attacking The Pile Of Shame Pt3 – Ventrillian Ogryn Proxies

Another mad idea from Wargames Atlantic.Let's make Fantasy Ogres in a Landsknecht style but add extra sci-fi bits.As a result, I've used the Conquistador style heads with the sci-fi weapons, added a feather and these are now Ventrillian Noble aligned Ogryns.For the...

Attacking The Pile Of Shame Pt2 – Bulldog/ Cannon Fodder Kitbash

I'm jumping straight in with a controversial statement here but, on reflection, I am a little disappointed with the standard rifle that comes with the Bulldogs kit.Fortunately, I have a mass of Cannon Fodder kits so this test squad of Bulldogs/ not-Praetorians have...