Painting New Cadian Shock Troops – My New Method

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes I used the crew from the Cadian Field Ordnance Batteries to test this method for painting the new Cadian Shock Troops. I needed to try this method before rolling it out onto the new Cadian models I have.   Painting New Cadian...

Cadians vs Grey Knights – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes This Cadians vs Grey Knights game is for a league at Boards and Swords, but not this league I am in. This is for a 40-player league split into four divisions of ten players. The top players of each division will play off for a final...

Cadians vs Orks – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes This Cadians vs Orks game is for a league at Boards and Swords, but not this league I am in. This is for a 40-player league split into four divisions of ten players. The top players of each division will play off for a final winner...

Ursula Creed Complete

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have Usrula Creed done! Big thanks to Chris at The Unrelenting Brush for painting her for me. Chris provides a high-quality and fast commission painting service. He also does painting workshops and 1-on-1 painting tuition. Completed...

40K: Bought Cadia Stands But Don’t Want A Cadian Army?

 As mentioned in my last post, I am thinking of using the new Cadians as a different Regiment.I must admit, these videos from former GW painter 'Peachy' have provided some inspiration.As I move forward, I'll be looking at some Tanith Troopers to go with the...

40K: The Last Of The Ventrillian Nobles?

As per the title, this may be the last of my Ventrillian kitbashes.Why?Mainly because my bits box is running low on original Cadian plastics and as Age of Sigmar moves towards Free Peoples, will the old Empire Pistoliers kit finally go OOP?I'm not going to be...