Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes The Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport is now completed and what a project this has been! I wanted to do something different and impressive for this model because it deserves it and I’m not going to get the chance to do...

The New Vindicare

As much as I enjoy the content via Warhammer+ (painting with a battle report playing in the background, catching up with Imperial Armour background books), this model may have helped swing my opinion into subbing in.Contrast has been brought into play gain. ...

The New Vindicare

As much as I enjoy the content via Warhammer+ (painting with a battle report playing in the background, catching up with Imperial Armour background books), this model may have helped swing my opinion into subbing in.Contrast has been brought into play gain. ...

A Varied Work Queue

Back at home for the weekend and it's time to catch up with some new arrivals.The Primaris Tigurius was picked up cheap on eBay.The Inquisitor is from the local GW's birthday and the Vindicare has turned up due to the Warhammer+ sub.  What a top model the...

Cadians vs Tau – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This Cadians vs Tau game is for a league at Boards and Swords, but not this league I am in. This is for a 40-player league split into 4 divisions of 10 players, the top players of each division will play off for a final winner...

Cadians Vs Necrons – 2022 League – 2,000 pts

Approximate Reading Time: 13 minutes My third game of the 2022 League is underway, this is 2,000 points of Cadians Vs Necrons! This is my second league after the Hammer of the Emperor rules appeared. The full details and results of the 2022 League can be found here....