New Imperial Guard Project: Terrax Guard – Trial Colour Scheme

Apart from black uniforms, I'm not sure if there is a laid down colour scheme for the Terrax Guard.The trenchcoat lining and the banding for the cap is Blood Angels Red (Contrast),The outer trenchcoat is the Contrast Black Templar.  To try and differentiate,...

New Imperial Guard Project: Terrax Guard

 Never one to sit around, how about smashing through a little more of the plastic mountain of shame.What do I have available?  Plenty of Bulldog heads but I've built loads of pith helmetted warriors.Caps? Yes, but I don't want to rehash the Mordian Iron...

Rematch – Cadians vs Blood Angels – 2,000 Points – 10th Edition

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This is my fourth Warhammer 40K 10th Edition game, Cadians vs Blood Angels. This game was at Boards and Swords in Derby. Cadians 2,000 Points List You can check how I made the Index pictured below: Wire Ring Binder for Index Cards....

Rematch – Cadians vs Blood Angels – 2,000 Points – 10th Edition

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This is my fourth Warhammer 40K 10th Edition game, Cadians vs Blood Angels. This game was at Boards and Swords in Derby. Cadians 2,000 Points List You can check how I made the Index pictured below: Wire Ring Binder for Index Cards....

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt XVII: Last Chancers

Utilising convicts to find a team to conduct an as yet unknown mission, Schaeffer has currently selected a team of misfits, thieves and murderers.  Inspired by the 3rd Ed metal Last Chancers squad, collected together for the first time are my team based on...