The Training Oasis

The European Team Championships season has also entered the new year and the push towards the main event was accelerated with the annual ETC Finland Invitational, traditionally hosted by the acting captain and his council. This year skipper Vili Urpilainen and his...

T9A Bravery Reborn Results and Coverage

The new tournament year is underway! Warfare in Pasila was once again ignited with the Ninth Age Fantasy Battles accompanied by a Blood Bowl side event. All good in the fantasy realms!First Round Pairings and Results0 Juhani Kukkanen vs Esko Pitkänen 2012 Ville Oinio...

Concepting Night Lords

As we begin another amazing hobby year, Ollie has already started to work on a new Horus Heresy Legion! This time the terrifying Night Lords take the center stage with a couple of concepts for different 30K Astartes unit types. I'm sure we'll see a lot of Horus Heresy...

Silver Tower : Nurglings !

Bonjour à tous !Dernière peinture de l'année 2019 pour ma part (avant d'emménager en Bretagne).Peinture de Nurglings pour mon jeu Silver Tower en tant qu'ennemis exotiques.Voici les étapes de peinture :Sous-couche grise, base en vert foncé.Passage en vert plus...

AoS Blood Upon The Snow Results and Coverage

War Head's tournament year was concluded in the Mortal Realms with the largest Age of Sigmar event in Finland so far! With nearly forty Fight Club tournaments during 2019 it was fitting to wrap up the year with such a warm atmosphere and spectacular armies - our...