The Farmstead Operation

The weary loyalists from the XIII Legion cross the Thracian countryside and seek shelter from a friendly farmstead - this was the narrative for Ollie's project for last year's Armies on Parade, marking his tenth successive entry in as many years! The Ultramarines in a...

Echoes of Thracia, Act II Results and Coverage

Back in action! Today the brave Legion ground troops supported quickly formed pathfinder units, which were sent to Thracia Rex and its primeval forests to establish beachhead positions, scout supply routes and hunt for ancient Feudal World relics. As the Thracian...

The Lead Ogre

The third commission batch in a grand Death Korps of Krieg collection we've been assembling and painting included some Imperial Navy assets and was spearheaded by the famous lead-spitting Super Heavy tank! The Forge World units in particular made the project a joy to...

Caliban Steel

Our commission painting workshop has been running at full steam lately - one of the recent projects was a thematic Horus Heresy Dark Angels detachment intended to be used as allies for a 30K Militia force! Interpreting a historical First Legion theme with all of the...

40K Oaths of the Moment Results and Coverage

Back at it again! The battlefields were assembled for some fierce 40K warfare today after the long hiatus, as we hosted a casual three-round event for eight valiant combatants. It was our first tournament for the ninth edition after the pandemic break and the...

Je passe à l’impression 3D !

 Bonjour à tous !L'ère de l'impressions 3D étant d'actualité et les machines étant nettement moins chères et plus performantes, il est forcément, pour un hobbyiste, très alléchant d'en acquérir une.Chose faite pour ma part. J'ai sauté le pas vers la fin août 2021...