Ultramarines Redemptor Dreadnought (Part 3)

 WIP continues.Progress on this metal hulk continues. Well, he's a plastic model of a metal hulk anyway. Regardless of all that, he is now blue! With the Dreadtober deadline for my stated project fast approaching I set about trying to achieve my month-end...

Terenowe porządki

W tym tygodniu dużo spokojniej. Na streamach malowałem, a po streamach porządkowałem swoje tereny. Właściwie każde pudło otworzyłem, przejrzałem, zobaczyłem w jakim jest stanie teren i ile pracy jeszcze mnie czeka, aby go skończyć tak, aby nie było wstydu. Na następny...

Dreadtober, done

So, today I finished up the last details on my Dreadtober project, and I finished in time. At some point I thought that I would not make it with all the pieces missing, me needing to go away for a whole week with work, paints dried up and pieces not looking like what...

Dreadtober, chapter 5

Almost there. Just a few small things to fix, such as the base, some badges and a few patches where the paint has rubbed of.I decided that the crouch plate that I made from a knight wrist guard look to big, so in the end I ended up making a smaller, simpler version...