Age of Sigmar Temple Terrain

Continuing my work on some Age of Sigmar terrain, I painted up a temple set for use on my grasslands board. I purchased this printed Ancient Ruins set from Etsy. It's a really nice set for a reasonable price. I undercoated the set with Turner and Gray Grey...


These arcoflagellants were stuck together on a child free break two years ago.  When Neverness announced this years Inquisitorial Conclave, I thought that this would be a great unit to paint up in case I didn't finish the team of baddies.  So I was able to...

Age of Sigmar Graveyard Terrain

We've had an increase in the number of club members playing Age of Sigmar and fantasy, so I decided to add a couple of AoS boards to the club. The first terrain set was the Graveyard set from GW. This is a really nice set, and I was glad to be able to pick one up...

Silver Bayonet – Gunner Three

Another member of the unit rises from the cold Russian soil. Gunner three, my artillerist.Three is another Flintloque miniature, this time from the Corpseov line artillery set. The set has quite a few crew, bit this guy, with his ramrod, (which doubles as a handy...

Helghan reinforcements

You may be aware that there has been a Kickstarter by 'That Evil One" to produce STL's for the 'Heckghosts".  having put such a lot of work into my existing Helghans, and still loving the aestetic. I duly stumped up the readies for these boys. Actual Colonel Meal...