Just on the off chance.

GW have produced a mini of the famous Karl Kopinski artwork from the (best) IG codex.  Here's the blurb: This Year Three miniature is only available to Warhammer+ subscribers who subscribe between the 25th of August 2023 and the 24th of August 2024. For full...

Didcot Team Tournament

Later this year, we will be hosting the Didcot Team Tournament. This is a one-day event on Saturday 18th November 2023. This will consist of teams of 5 players, each playing a 2000 pts army. Cost is only £100 for a team of five. More info can be found on the...

Monumental architecture

 Another terrain peice, as every Cuidad Imperiale needs a bit of impressive monumental architecture.  Paris has the Champs Elissay.  Washington DC has the Jefferson Memorial.  Xyphonica has this, the Monument a l'elephant et a l'aigle.  It's...

3D-printed Ork terrain

This week, I have some 3D-printed Ork terrain that I painted up for the Ork board at the gaming club. These were a really nice set that I ordered off ebay, which were a good quality print with little clean up required. I painted these up in a similar style to the GW...

Neverness’ Inquisitorial Conclave 2023

 It's that time of year when this sort of bollox starts up again https://nevernesshobby.blogspot.com/2023/08/inquisitional-conclave-2023-kick-off.html?m=0 To be followed by SepTANKber, Zomtober and Dredcecmber or whatever.  Probably a good way to...