Terrain Showcase- Boarding Actions set

Today's showcase is the Boarding Actions terrain that I painted up for the gaming group. I was trying to figure out a good scheme for this set, when I came across an amazing painting tutorial by ZamPainting on twitter. This was exactly the sort of scheme I was...

Biologus Putrifier

It’s amazing what an impending and very much unexpected deadline can do to my productivity! Every Tuesday, me and some close friends have our weekly RPG evening, we’re currently finishing off an Age of Sigmar: Soulbound adventure and looking forward to...

Terrain Showcase- Tournament Tables

 In the last year, I have been hosting some local 40k tournaments at the gaming club. These have been a lot of fun, and something I was keen to try out after getting the gaming club up and running. Our largest event so far has been Oxford Onslaught, which...

Cadian Castellan

As the one or two long-time readers of this blog may recall, when I got back into the hobby in 2009, the first army I revived was my Imperial Guard. When the new kits dropped last year I was really excited to reinforce my boys and girls and was especially looking...


 I tried something a little different with these - Army Painter red spray, red ink wash. Avelund sunset drybrush, 50/50 Baal red/water wash over the top.  I think it's worked ok (?).