Black Star Initative on You Toob

 I know that there is some Black Star Initative thing for some online space opera game.  But this me, so you know I'm not talking about that.This is what little men are for.  This is why my garage is full of the little guys.  I absolutely love what...

Sláine 3 – The Lord Weird Slough Feg

The Sláine project continues with one of my childhood favourites, Slough Feg. His pose is based on the iconic Bisley drawing for the Horned God series.Feg is Sláine's predecessor, the old horned God, and he is not planning on retiring. Having thrown in his lot...

Operative Umbral-Six – Vindicare Assassin

Even though I’ve a million things in-progress on my painting desk (well, my only desk), when my Warhammer Plus year one miniature dropped through the door I couldn’t resist! Since this is really a display piece, I decided to take inspiration from the box...

Warmachine MKIV Preview Battlegroups have arrived!

Finally!All three battle boxes, with their magnets in the white containersI didn't have a whole lot of time to dig into them quite yet, but getting these table ready will be my priority.  I did get a chance to pop open the Cygnar box, however.Inside the Cygnar...

Terrain Showcase- Sandswept City

This week's terrain showcase is one of my most recent boards. This board mainly based on the Chalnath Kill Team ruins, painted up to match the Sandswept City mat from Frontline Gaming. The Chalnath ruins are lovely pieces of kit, and I wish they had more of them...

Five Parsecs Turn 5: The Crew’s First Loss

When we last left the crew of the Azure Dawn, they were about to embark on a mission for a VIP, Hiram Nox, escorting him to a dead drop in the rather unpleasantly crime ridden world of Nocarth. How’d that turn out? Well, as the title suggests…not well. The...