Additional combatants for the Ecclesiasty

On the BoS today are some Cawdor Gangers ("My answer is in my sword, thou bloodier Villian !")This is ganger with an Anvil hooded head and an Anvil priest body with a Cawdor head and plastic DKK Flamer.  S'kinda where it's gonna go when the Iggies figure out that...

Death Guard Helbrute

I’m slowly getting through my backlog of half-painted models (I’m trying to ignore the boxes of unbuilt ones) and today I’m pleased to show off this moist chap. As is my way, he’d sat at around 85% complete for about six months or so. I’d...

Techno Barbarian Crusader

He's got the war club and shield from a Saurian which was a free give away model from Banbury GW a while ago.  Those feathers are a plant from someone's scenic base.  And the Crusader helm with the eye peice is resin, so it's an aftermarket peice from...

Tiny Leg Ends DKK grenadier conversions

It is a sad fact of existance that things wear out, that stuff that used to be part of the fabric of our lives, Woolworths, stable government, peace in Europe, road bridges in the USA, all eventually disappear, leaving us wondering where we could possibly buy...