by FourEyedMonster | Aug 8, 2022
With water decals application on the hull and deck of the 1/1000 scale Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Cosmo Reverse Version) now complete, it's time for the next stage. Among others, this involved the assembly as well as the final stage of painting of selected details...
by FourEyedMonster | Jul 30, 2022
Before any further work can be done on the 1/1000 scale Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Cosmo Reverse Version) model kit - be it continuation of the assembly process or painting of the few pieces I had inadvertently left unpainted - first, the ship's hull and deck...
by FourEyedMonster | Jun 4, 2022
Continuing with the progress for my 1/1000 scale Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Cosmo Reverse Version) project, this post takes a quick look at the ship's main guns and secondary armament as well as its catapults aka fighter launchers. Even at this scale, the ship's...
by FourEyedMonster | May 27, 2022
Overthinking things is an unfortunate trait that I possess, and it resulted in a prolonged hesitation to start work on the First Bridge of the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Cosmo Reverse Version. But I am getting ahead of myself. Beforehand, I need to explain the...
by FourEyedMonster | Apr 2, 2022
For the longest time, roughly about 19 months to be exact, the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Cosmo Reverse Version project had laid dormant due to an oxymoronic reason of a miniature painting taking a dislike to painting small things. If a miniature or scale model kit...