Valhallan / Snow Krieg

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes Here are my Valhallan Krieg guys completed using Reptilian Overlords, Puppets War and Anvil Industry heads. I really wanted the Krieg models for my collection but did not want to start a whole new regiment, much less one that is so...

Company Commander Emil Thanz Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes In 2022 I’ll be taking part in a year-long league with 11 other players, Emil Thanz is my Warlord for these league games. He’ll be getting a lot of use; 3 warm-up games 11 league games So 14 games at least this year....

Cadian Shock 2021 Review

Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutes Back at the start of 2020, I completed my Cadian Shock Review 2020, and 2020 was a bit of a mad year for us all. Let us see what 2021 had in store and see if I faired any better hobby-wise than last year. Completed Models in 2021...

Final Priest Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 This is my third and final priest. One day when I get my Bullgryns done, these guys will really be useful. Until then he can either sit waiting or buff my Cadians to ensure they miss twice as often! Priest Completed Gallery The post...

Quick Cadian Camo – 2x Leman Russ from eBay

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes Two more Leman Russ join my ranks using my quick Cadian Camo scheme! Full details are below on how to get your Cadian Camo to Battle Ready, then Parade Ready and finally some extra steps to really give it a weathered war-torn feel....