Cadian Shock 2020 In Review

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello everyone, long time no see? What an amazingly awful year last year was for us all in the hobby community. I will try and keep this upbeat, but it will be a struggle as 2020 has been a write off in terms of games played and...

Catachan Colonel Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes This is my Catachan Colonel who has taken me a while and is the first model I have completed for my own army since June 2020, after doing the Desert Guardsman and Desert Baneblade. I decided to ditch the plants that come on the base...

Banesword, Doomhammer and Banehammer Upgrade

My Baneblade that was also a Stormlord, a Shadowsword and a Hellhammer can now also be a Banesword, a Doomhammer and a Banehammer! And it is getting an outing onto the battlefield tonight against the Death Guard. Keep an eye on my Instagram for pics! Banesword,...

Desert Guardsman Camo Scheme – “Choc-Chip” Camo

Well, this is my very first commission painted model for Protesus Bunker – a single Desert Guardsman Camo Scheme. Never miss an article? Subscribe! For all my work at Proteus Bunker I will write up the paint scheme here on Cadian Shock – if the client...

Execution Force Completed

Back in May I finished Nemesis in the Horus Heresy series on Audible, it follows an Execution Force of Assassins and I really enjoyed it. I’d highly recommend Audible for books and especially the Horus Heresy. Completed Execution Force Never miss an article?...