Blood Drips using Hair – Eversor Assassin

My Eversor is completed along with his blood drips using my own hair and Blood for the Blood God Technical paint from Games Workshop. The comments and attention this got on Reddit was absolutely mind-blowing. I can not believe how many people must have seen this...

Kromlech Demolisher Cannons Completed

Today I finished my Kromlech Demolisher Cannon Turrets – all three of them! This is the first time I’ve bought from Kromlech and actually finished painting the model. I’ve other stuff from them too, watch this space. Never miss an article? Subscribe! Obtaining...

Baneblade Completed – The Nameless Storm

Argh, this Baneblade has taken me a long time to complete! I think three years in total. I did start it when I first got it – I did the build and LEDs back then. It was then camo patterned with an airbrush and left for three years. But we are here now and the...

Cadian Shock 2019 in Review

Another year is done – what have I achieved this year on Cadian Shock. Well, a lot! I painted 84 models, played 19 games and had over 250,000 page views on this blog! Never miss an article? Subscribe! Completed Models in 2019 3 Catachan Hellhounds –...

Forgeworld Heavy Mortars Completed

Today I got my three Forgeworld Heavy Mortars completed for my Catachan force. These little guys were a joy to build and paint. I say build, there are about four parts to them including two wheels. Never miss an article? Subscribe! Anyway, they are great little models...