10k in 10 Update – Painting Green En-Mass

10k in 10 Update – Painting Green En-Mass

Welcome to another 10k in 10 update! Pete and I are painting 10, 000 points of 40k armies by the end of March 2015! You ca keep up to date by following on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. Im always curious as to what you guys/gals have been working on as well...
10k in 10 Update – Keeping everything Organized!

10k in 10 Update – Keeping everything Organized!

We are painting 10  thousand points in 10 months! And the half way mark is aproaching! How am I keeping all my stuff organized? Well, I have sorted the miniatures out in shelves, the top shelves with models that have been primed that need paint and then other shelf...
10k in 10 – Update! – Its update time! Month 2 and counting

10k in 10 – Update! – Its update time! Month 2 and counting

To paint up 10, 000 points . That is the Challenge! Its a massive endeavour. And getting so much done is something that could drive a regular hobbyist insane. So I have been doing a bit of work on them, a bit at a time. Yesterday I got to prime a few of the minis I...