10mm High Elf Army – The troops

Hi everyone,Another short post this week, as I am on holiday - not only from work, but from my life in general.Today I would like to show off my new additions to my 10mm High Elves. The last time I showed the basic troops - one or two years ago - I had 3 units of...

10mm Elf Army- Elites and Monsters

Hi everyone,I decided to take a quick break from the Merkava diorama, this week to show my latest additions to my 10mm High Elf army.  I mentioned some posts ago that this was to be the year of armies - and I have sidetracked somewhat.Nonetheless, I have still...
10mm High Elf Scouts

10mm High Elf Scouts

Hi everyone,Another short post in the same vein as the previous one.  Today I like to show my 10mm High Elf Scouts or proxy Shadow Warriors.                ...
10mm High Elf Phoenix Guard

10mm High Elf Phoenix Guard

Hi everyone,A short post this week of my finished 10mm Phoenix Guard. I have been working slowly to finish this 10mm army as one of my resolutions to finish all my open end projects.I painted the figures red and white with gold armour.  The intention...

A Eulogy For Specialist Games

Hi everyone,A bit over a week ago I heard the news over the blogosphere that Games Workshop was closing down its Specialist section on their site.  Those who know me personally and those who have read my blog once in a while, know I am an avid Epic and 10mm/15mm...