by FourEyedMonster | Jan 3, 2019
Ever since I began my journey in this hobby, I've never had as lean a year as 2018 in terms of miniatures or scale models completed. Two was the measly number of projects I had managed to see over the finish line. There were mitigating factors but it's all still a...
by FourEyedMonster | Jul 4, 2018
It's done! Yet another iconic sci-fi vehicle checked off my ever expanding list of must-do hobby projects. Even as this little vignette of Imperial presence in the land of Ewoks sees completion, more then one new project is rushing to fill what is already an extremely...
by FourEyedMonster | Jun 21, 2018
In this final Star Wars AT-ST work-in-progress post, two significant processes are dealt with namely creation/painting of the base and weathering fresh mud effects on the scout walker's footpads. Completion of both means the walker is essentially completed and ready...
by FourEyedMonster | Jun 8, 2018
As the AT-ST's iconic 'chicken legs' underwent the same weathering process as its upper hull and mid-section, I saw no point in chronicling each every phase again in a series of posts. So without further delay, the following are photographs of the scout walker's legs...
by FourEyedMonster | May 31, 2018
Phase Four of the AT-ST weathering process is straightforward as it only involves applying 'soot' on the weapons and metallic paint on the mid-section's flexible steel pipes. Then it was a case of putting it all together and touching up the paint and weathering, where...