MeG/Hail Caesar 15mm Classical Anatolian Army

 Been furiously painting a new 15mm army of the sort that Mithridates used to send out to get slaughtered by the Romans.The right wing are Greeks from the city states around the Black Sea, the centre Anatolians from the hills (Pontics, Armenians, Kappadocians...

Hellenistic Ersatz Legionaries

Hellenistic 'Legionary' InfantryAt a parade in 166BC, Polybius refers to a 5,000 man unit of Seleucid infantry as armed 'like Romans'.The question is how really like a Roman legion was this Hellenistic unit.The key military attacking unit in World War II was the...

Thureophoroi – Club Paint Challenge

My local wargame club has a painting challenge. I have set my target at painting two units a month for a new MeG 15mm Hellenistic ancients army.These are Xyston miniatures from Rochester Models.I haven't bought a 15 mm army for decades and was stunned by the quality...