by Overwatch | May 8, 2013
This Saturday come on down to Game Empire in Pasadena and enjoy 3 rounds of 40k! The format is slightly modified book missions at the 1500 point level, no FW allowed. It is a great setting to play in with a good draw of competitive players and fluffy casual gamers...
by Overwatch | Apr 12, 2013
Epic Nurgle Guitar is Epic. Ok, first off that guitar is awesome. As a guitar player and 40k enthusiast I really want one of these now. Back on topic. I posted the speed painted models I did the last 2 days in 6.5 hours for tomorrows tournament and I got some...
by Overwatch | Sep 9, 2012
Our third tournament of 6th edition 40k was yesterday, we stuck with 1500 points one last time so people could practice for Comikaze. Thank you GW for the new round of FAQs that made the event, at least from my end you'll have to ask Dis about how it ran overall,...