Flames of War : The Tigers

Flames of War : The Tigers

Hi everyone,Today I present my completed (finally!) WW2 Tiger platoon from the Plastic Soldier Company box set.  These were part of my pledge to start finishing up all the open projects on my workbench.  I am glad to say they that I am getting there slowing...
Flames of War – Pak 40

Flames of War – Pak 40

Hi everyone,Tonight I have just finished taking pictures of the PaK40s I have just built up from Battlefront Miniatures.I have heard a lot over the internet about how expensive Battlefront miniatures are, but I have never actually seen any of them up close - so...
Flames of War: The Mortars

Flames of War: The Mortars

Hi everyone,After the depressing, yet educational, session with the StuGs, I have moved on to another area of my army - the mortars.I have just finished painting up two platoons of mortars.  One is a complete 120mm platoon, and the other is a 80mm platoon - this...

Flames of War : The StuGs

Hi everyone,Today's tale is one of tragedy, adversity and perseverance.  OK, OK, enough with the melodrama!, seriously though, this  is one post where you will see how things can go terribly wrong but end up on a good-but-not-so-bright-note.So, it all begins...
Flames of War – The Basic Company

Flames of War – The Basic Company

Hi everyone,I have just finished the basic platoon requirements for my Grenadier Company.  That is an HQ made up of two command teams and a Panzerschrek team. My approach to painting this army was very simple - IF THEY LOOK LIKE GERMANS, THEN THEY ARE...