Nemesis Light Strike Vehicle Review

Hi everyone,For the past two months I have been working on a project very close to my heart.  As some of you know, I am a fan of Flames of War (FOW), as well as sci-fi.  So I have decided to work on a sci-fi supplement for FOW. I won't go into detail about...
Flames of War : The Tigers

Flames of War : The Tigers

Hi everyone,Today I present my completed (finally!) WW2 Tiger platoon from the Plastic Soldier Company box set.  These were part of my pledge to start finishing up all the open projects on my workbench.  I am glad to say they that I am getting there slowing...

Flames of War : The StuGs

Hi everyone,Today's tale is one of tragedy, adversity and perseverance.  OK, OK, enough with the melodrama!, seriously though, this  is one post where you will see how things can go terribly wrong but end up on a good-but-not-so-bright-note.So, it all begins...

Flames of War – Part 2

Hi everyone,Today I would like to make a short review of the products I have bought for my Flames of War army.  I bought 3 box sets from the Plastic Soldier Company's (PSC) 15mm range of Germans.  The first two are infantry sets.  Late war German...
Flames of War – Part 1

Flames of War – Part 1

Hi everyone,This month I start my new wargaming project from none other than Flames of War (FOW).  I haven't played a historical wargame in a very, very long time, so you can understand how eager I am to start playing.  I had the 3rd edition rulebook...