Death Guard vs Astra Militarum 1,750 points

Fourth time lucky right? This will be my fourth game against Mark’s Death Guard. All previous games have been a loss. And the last two I lost by just one point. Maybe today is the day the Astra Militarum claw back a victory. This game was at Boards and Swords....

Astra Militarum vs Death Guard – 1,750 Points

This will be my third game against Mark’s Death Guard. Third time lucky maybe? The previous two were losses. The last one was very close. I think I lost by one VP! The first battle can also be read here. Now for another Astra Militarum vs Death Guard game! We...

Ynnari vs Astra Militarum

Rematch! Got to be the best battles right? After the Eldar took a hammering last game in my Eldar vs Astra Militarum Battle Report it was time for these forces to come together again. But with 1,750 points this time – Ynnari vs Astra Militarum. This time I...