1,750 point Anti-Genestealer Cult List

Last night I played a 1,750 points game against The Genestealer Cult. This is my 1,750 point anti-Genestealer Cult List, head to my Instagram, Facebook Page or Twitter Profile for pics of the game. It’s just a quick article to show my list and have somewhere...

1,750 point Anti-Genestealer Cult List

Last night I played a 1,750 points game against The Genestealer Cult. This is my 1,750 point anti-Genestealer Cult List, head to my Instagram, Facebook Page or Twitter Profile for pics of the game. It’s just a quick article to show my list and have somewhere...

1,750 point Astra Militarum List Review for 8th Edition

Now we’ve written about the theory of buffing Astra Militarum Infantry and Astra Militarum Artillery, let’s look at the practical side – writing a list. I’ve gone for a 1,750 point Astra Militarum list but I’ve not maxed it out. Never...

Tournament – Grey Knights for Vanquish 2013

Hey folks,So I will be heading down to Vanquish with Martok and Gormag next year to represent our local FLGS Promethean - I believe we are calling our first team the Titans :D lets just hope we can live up to the title? I will be representing the Inquisition's...

Tournament – Eldar List for Vanquish 2013

So, the plan is to go to Vanquish this year with Martok, he’s gonna be using his Minotaur list, and I’m planning to take an altered version of my Eldar tournament army, due to the comp rules being used at Vanquish, hopefully it will still be effective, but a few...