Citadel 1980’s Barrow Wight & Dead Man of Dunharrow

Here we have the final two models from the 1980's Citadel Range Commission. These are quite difficult sculpts to paint as they are very different to what I'm used to. Still I enjoyed painting them.  Hope you like them.  C & C welcome.  You can see...

1980’s Citadel Frodo

More from the 1980's Citadel Range on commission, this time Frodo.  Quite possibly the hardest model I've painted to date.  Hope the client likes it... I really struggled with this guy. : ( More pictures in the Commission section.  

1980’s Citadel Boromir

Painted on commission a Boromir model from the 1980's Citadel range.  These models are tough to paint in comparison to the current line.  For the base I tried to get a White city look which I quite like and will use again.  The sword was painted using...

MERP Silvan Elves

These three guys are miniatures from the 1980's MERP miniature range.  Three Silvan elves.  These guys were ok to paint but I struggled with them a little and could never really get  them to a place where I was happy with them.  They seem a little...