The wombull – a possible new character class?

I read this. And with Saturday's round-up still fresh in my mind, it all started to happen.Picture the scene. Late '80s, the UK, a temple of gaming near a rambling common. A creature looking rather like a Womble elopes with one looking a bit like a Citadel ambull into...

How they made Knightmare

There's an article here that might be a good read for anyone with fond memories of the UK teatime show Knightmare, or with an interest in created spaces - it was a kind of blue-screen dungeon crawl, and more visceral for one player per group.Coincidentally, it started...

Status report – February 2013

Here's the usual summary of posts from the past month, the ones I think are most worth keeping tabs on. I didn't start the year proper until halfway through February, so it looked like being a pretty short list, but putting it together I found the signal was unusually...