Wounded Guardsman (Objective Marker)

 Wounded Guardsman Objective.After a few games of Warhammer 40,000 9th edition it has became apparent that I needed to make some proper Objective Markers. There are some that I started many years ago using the 3rd Edition Space Hulk objectives that I just never...

Cadia Stands! (Part 2)

 Since the last time I posted about these fellows they have seen combat, and have been lurking in the background of every project that I have done since then. Slowly though, they have accumulated a little paint here and there.  In the first post it was all...

Ratlings Report (Part 1)

 Ratlings! My recent challenge to paint 500 pts in Imperial Guard led to my attention falling on these guys. They were the first IG miniatures that I ever owned, but they weren't necessarily purchased for use in the Imperial Army. Way back in in 1994 while...

Cadia Stands! (Part 1)

 Finished and basecoated. Recently I tried to arrange a game with Da Masta Cheef which sadly didn't happen. We had set the point limit for just 500pts and with that low a model count I started to look at my armies that I rarely play. I decided to...

The Return of She Who Milks (part 4).

Alright mateys, here is She Who Milks!After some work mounting her onto the base she was more or less completed. I spotted a few things I chose to touch up on, but after that the model was done.I added grass tuffs to the base as I wasn't too pleased with how the...