12/8/14: Finished: Tempestus Scions Strikeforce Commission

Howdy folks!This time, we have a commission of Tempestus Scions, done in Lambdan Lions scheme, to show off! The desert scheme allowed me to opt for a dusty, gritty, weathered scheme, while still allowing the models to pop with the blues and other splashes of...
11/30/14: Finished: Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers

11/30/14: Finished: Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers

You bear that Word Lorgar!Hey guys! This was commissioned by a previous client hoping to get his buddy into playing 30k with them. I would certainly hope this model will get him building a Word Bearers army in no time!I love the character that Forge World puts into...