10/3/14: Finished: Imperial Fists Pre-Heresy Felblade

10/3/14: Finished: Imperial Fists Pre-Heresy Felblade

Hey folks!Next up on catching up on blogposts is a giant yellow tank! Client has a Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists army *drools* and wanted his Felblade done up as a centerpiece for it! We did some talking, and he wanted to break up the yellow, yet still keep it...
10/2/14: Finished: Raven Guard Vehicle Group

10/2/14: Finished: Raven Guard Vehicle Group

Why hello again folks!I have been really bad at updating the blog the last month or so! I've been incredibly busy, and its easier to update Facebook than to write up a post! I'll do a big backlog of stuff, but for now, I've got a group of Raven Guard vehicles!The Land...
Marines Espaciales (Lista a 1850 puntos)

Marines Espaciales (Lista a 1850 puntos)

Buenas a todos.Después de haceros un resumen de como me fue el día de la PachangaExpress, me he dado cuenta de que no había compartido mi lista. aquí os la dejo amenizada con fotos de las escuadras. En la descripción solo pongo el equipo adicional.Edito: Uso el Codex...
9/11/14: Finished: Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

9/11/14: Finished: Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

Howdy folks!I was lucky enough to get a chance to work on the new Nagash model for a client! Finished him up a couple days ago, I'm a touch behind with posting pictures unfortunately! Speaking of which...Nagash in all his glory! This model is huge, standing several...