Araloth The Lord of Talsyn and Eye Thief

Araloth The Lord of Talsyn and Eye Thief

Damn I love this model. I like to think that Araloth was actually once upon a time Gaymar the Foccer who found a bird who could do all the fighting for him and built a legend! The very idea and rule mechanic that the little sparrow can swoop down on the mightiest...
5/5/14: Legio Titanicus: Part One

5/5/14: Legio Titanicus: Part One

Hey folks!So its begun! The Legio Titanicus commission is in full swing, and I'm working diligently to get everything ready for paint! For those of you who don't know, this commission is for:3x Knight Titans, magnetized for both Errant and Paladin options, and pained...
Treeman Ancient / Durthu new plastic kit

Treeman Ancient / Durthu new plastic kit

What an utterly gorgeous kit. I knew from the outset I wanted more of a classic paint job - earthy oranges, greens and browns. The wood effect was created using a base of a red brown highlighted with pure white, then washed with orange. In the very highest parts I...
AMT 2014 (VI y final)

AMT 2014 (VI y final)

Buenas a todos.Aunque en la entrada anterior acabé con todas las fotos de las obras expuestas, quedan una pocas fotos más.¿Qué tipo de fotos?Pues fotos del público asistente como estas¿A qué no adivinais de donde vengo?De algunas figuras que se escaparon de las...

AMT 2014 (V)

Buenas a todos.Continuo con la última remesa de fotos de los trabajos expuestos en Torrent. ¿Qué decir de ellos que no se haya dicho ya?Juzgad vosotros mismos.Como siempre podéis acceder a la galería de Picasa pinchando aquí.Y a los anteriores reportajes pinchando en...