What Kind of Year Has it Been?

The Shell Case has had its third Christmas and 2014 will see the site turn 3 years old. It’s been an eventful 2 and a half years and that certainly goes double for the last 12 months. So, to repeat the question: what kind of year has it been? A very mixed one....

My Next Year of Gaming

2013 was a bit bland in terms of gaming offerings. Although I made a lot of personal progress as a gamer, I felt like my selections were pretty slim. As I look to next year, I'm practically overwhelmed at all the great stuff I'll be playing, both new and old, as well...

My Top 10 – 2014 Resolutions

New Year's Eve is coming up, which means I need to make a whole bunch of promises to myself that I'll never keep, right?At the beginning of the year I told you guys that I typically hated New Years resolutions because self improvement should start when you realize...

Off-Topic: Marvel Comics Re-Invents Ms. Marvel

Marvel Comics has been all over the sliver-screens for a while now. Iron Man, Avengers, etc…, currently Thor 2. While Marvel kills it at the box office, comic book sales are (apparently) in decline though, and they appear to be looking for some solution...

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 9th Edition Rumours

It is a common belief that Games Workshop has settled into something close to a bi-annual, alternating rotation for updating the “editions” (main rules) of their two main games of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K (does LoTR/the Hobbit still count as...