by toonboy78 | Jan 2, 2016
Overall 2015 was a pretty successful year for me doing hobby related activities.I have managed to paint at least 1 squad a month and painted a lot of units that had been sat in boxes for quite some time.My painting challenge (like doc, painting gives me money to...
by extremedoc1 | Dec 31, 2015
Good Afternoon All,This is a bit of a catch all post. I will update progress or lack of on the death guard, a small review of the year and my usual 2016 objectives.Firstly my heresy progress which has been hampered by man flu and uni work. However, I have...
by toonboy78 | Nov 29, 2015
I’m going to discuss a little about my hobby experiences throughout the year.Gaming: this year I have managed to play 12 games. I don’t think that 1 a month is too bad. I would like to play more, but I am not interested in playing at my local clubs and my usual local...
by toonboy78 | Nov 6, 2015
It’s been a while since my last post but I have been busy further expanding my chapter. I have been working on this captain:Some more terminators:This now brings up a total of 30 of the ranged weapon type My first squad of centurions:I have loved the models so much I...
by toonboy78 | Apr 8, 2015
I am certainly getting good use out of my games board and scenery. Over the Easter weekend my dad came down with his steadily growing Eldar army. He has only been collecting for about 1 year and has managed to get a fair bit of stuff. I recently purchased a job lot on...