by Cylde Ar | Jun 12, 2016
Buenas a todos.Hace un tiempo que no subo nada al blog, así que ya era hora de actualizarlo. Como muchos sabréis tengo una gran cantidad de altos elfos, y a Fantasy no creo que vuelva a jugar, pero en mi grupo están empezando a darle al Kings of War, así que montar un...
by TastyTaste | Jun 3, 2016
"The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government." --Mitt Romney
by TastyTaste | May 27, 2016
"In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits." --Lee Iacocca
by TastyTaste | May 15, 2016
"The Buddha resides as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain." -- Robert M. Pirsig
by TastyTaste | May 3, 2016
"The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government." --Mitt Romney