Inq28: The Guilder

This is Mad Robot Miniatures 'The Guilder.' I am a big fan of this model. As soon as I saw the preview Mad Robot Steve put on his facebook page I knew how I wanted him to look.When he arrived I decided to get him cleaned up and painted straight away. After a bath in...

Thunderer Siege Tank 001

One of my favorite thing to do is convert models. If you've been following my blog for any length of time I think this is pretty clear. For #armourinapril I decided I wanted to add another hull to my collection so I turned to the Pile of Grey Shame to see about...

2018 Wargames Hobby Bingo Update

It's been a really productive year and I've managed to fill out quite a few stamps for the card.Painting the Knight for Monster March allowed me to stamp the 'Finish painting a model that's been in your to do pile or that's  remained unfinished for more than a...

Squaduary 2018 Complete!

We made it! The end of the month is here and I've managed to get my pledge completed in a timely manner.I'm thrilled to be able to say I made my Squaduary goals. I'm not sure what I'll do next with these guys... I've got the Blessed Primarch to lead them, as well as...

Happy New Year 2018

Better late than never right?I'm playing Wargame Hobby Bingo this year. I'm generally feeling the hobby mojo pretty good over the turn of the year and have been at my toys with a renewed vigour.So watch for posts this year.Cheers,CJ