Honoring A 40k Champion: Settling In Nicely

What happened taking InControl's Nids to their 2nd RTT of 2020 year, and learning how to play competitively again. The post Honoring A 40k Champion: Settling In Nicely appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

MonsterMarch 2020: Parte 1

Muy buenas a todos.Volvemos a embarcarnos en esta aventura de pintar y compartir.Para el que no lo sepa, Monstermarch es una iniciativa que consiste en pintar un monstruo o similar desde cero, o casi, durante el mes de marzo y publicar los progresos.Para que esto se...

ITC 2020 March Tournament Update

Preview of all the large Warhammer 40k tournaments happening around the World for March 2020 The post ITC 2020 March Tournament Update appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.