Las Vegas Open 2022 Coverage

Live coverage from Las Vegas Open 2022 from start to finish. The post Las Vegas Open 2022 Coverage appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

SoCal Open 2021 Coverage

Live coverage from SoCal Open 2021 from start to finish. The post SoCal Open 2021 Coverage appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Another Covid GT in the Books

We got our first GT of March 2021 results for Warhammer 40k from Kansas the heart of Covid country The post Another Covid GT in the Books appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Cadian Shock 2020 In Review

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello everyone, long time no see? What an amazingly awful year last year was for us all in the hobby community. I will try and keep this upbeat, but it will be a struggle as 2020 has been a write off in terms of games played and...