WW2 Brits using the Dip

 I love Army Painter's dip. (Strong Tone) These chaps took less than 20 minutes each, painting individually. Batch painting should bring this down to about 15 minutes at most, which means I actually have a shot at finishing a complete platoon before this time...

Scimitar Light Tank

Still working on my Cold War Brits - this is part of the armoured recce for the infantry battalion.The model is an Airfix kit that can be assembled as either a Scorpion or a Scimitar - the differences between the two are very small and are all to do with the main...

Humber MkII

It's a Revell 1/7 kit - and it's really good. The kit is beautifully cast and designed,  all the detail is crisp and there is almost no flash, and very few mouldlines.Painting this kit, I tried to try out a few new techniques, such as panel fading and pinwashing....

20mm BAOR

Well it's been a month since my last post, but I do have something to show for it, beside my exams.These are more of the Britannia Miniatures 1980s British Infantry that I started last year: Link.The base markings denote company: The HQ coy have plain bases, the...