My Warriors of Chaos army – Last time on squares

This is sad and exciting at the same time, here are the last shots on my fully Warriors of Chaos before moving on to round and oval bases for Age of Sigmar.It's sad because I have always loved how big blocks of troops looks, and I have to cut these up as I want to...

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Prosecutor finished!

Not technically Monday still here in Sweden but I guess there's still Monday in other timezones so it still counts I think :PAnyway, just finished my first Prosecutor for my Lions of Sigmar, fun to paint and I did some Airbrushing as well to get some blending on the...

News: First pics of the new Age of Sigmar models are here!

At last, pictures of the new models. I'm stunned, gorgeous models! I got these via @firstautarch at twitter.Update: So after I have been looking more on these guys I'm a little bit torn. First of all, I love the new models. Both the Sigmarines (this name is spot on)...

News: Age of Sigmar in the next White Dwarf (pictures)

Nothing new really when it comes to pictures of models so far but hey, it's a life sign from Warhammer in White Dwarf.Pics is from Captain Citadel over at this thread on Spikey Bits forum.So...Interersting bit, The lightning strikes, that is probably Sigmar who...