Warhammer Fantasy on round bases – A test

As the title says, I wanted to try to see how some WHFB miniatures looks on rounds, easy as that. I took these miniatures because I think if Warhammer is going to round bases, this would be the right size for these. We have seen some bases from Games Day like some...

News: New Space Marines stuff, pics from White Dwarf

So Space Marines next, we see a new Assault Squad and some chapter specific upgrade sprues to use with these or existing Space Marine kits. Would love to see this kind of sprue for some of the lesser chapters as well, maybe in the future.Pics is from Bastion on Facebook

Terrain Tuesday: Mantic Battlezones Ruined Buildings

I did these a while ago, using the vallejo airbrush rust and chipping technique. I'm pleased with how they turned out even If I need some more practice. It does give me the look I want though and works really well with the ruined buildings from Mantic Games.Also shown...

WIP Wednesday: Manticore and terrain

I have plenty of different painting projects laying around which I have just started on, but for today I wanted to show you these.First up is a Manticore for Warriors of Chaos. I wanted to try out my airbrush a bit more so I just started on this one and to see what I...