Review: Anvil industries Tox Troopers

Variety does no harm (unless it comes to biscuits!). So today, I'm having a look at Anvil Industries, and one of their newer products, the Tox Troopers. These guys sounds great for count-as Nurgle Guard, or even renegades in general, no matter your system or...

Review: Scribor SF Knight

I'm starting to enjoy this "don't just review GW" plan. Having looked at Mantic and Kromlech in the recent past, I'll be looking at Scibor today.I will admit, up until recently I haven't been a big fan. I thought the models looks too chunky, and the details were a bit...

Review: Kromlech Stygian Shoulder Pads

Shoulder pads are an essential bit of kit protecting the soldiers of our far future (or far-gone) wars. Many kits come with their own, but if you're finding them too bland, there are plenty of companies making alternative pads. Today, I'll be looking at one...