For Sale: 28mm Napoleonic British Infantry [REDUCED]

NOTE: This item is now for sale on eBay, if you're interested, go to this link:Well Painted 28mm Napoleonic British InfantryThis means that I will not be taking offers from the blog for this item.This is a 30-man battalion of Hundred Day's War British Line...

Forge World’s Kor Phaeron & Erebus of the Word Bearers

Less than a week to go for the new White Dwarf, and with it the new Space Marines Codex. Time for lots of White Dwarf leaks, once again from our Chinese friends. Lots and lots of White Dwarf pictures to be found on Baidu (not anymore it seems. Most of it can be found...

Sentinel Games, interview…

Hace poco encontré en el foro de wargamez unos muchachos que se conectaban para dar a conocer su juego, un juego nuevo que recién estaba empezando. Por esto decidí que como hice con otras empresas que estaban empezando era un buen momento para hacerles una entrevista...

Is Knight Models Launching 28mm Hobbit Miniatures?

Now here is an interesting little thing I found browsing Facebook. Knight Models, a company know mainly for producing miniatures based on DC Comics & Marvel superheroes, as well as the Batman Miniatures Game, previewed a green for what looks a lot like a 28mm...

Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List

The question came up in the comments to my Tau Codex review, and it is clearly a key question for anyone setting out into Warhammer 40K hobby: How do I get started building my army? I am going to try giving a more thorough answer – for the 6th Edition Tau...