Carnevale on Kickstarter – Interview & Artwork Preview

Carnevale is a miniature game set in Venice at the eve of the 18th Century, albeit a Venice beset by cthulhu-esque horrors and other supernatural monstrosities. The game is made by Vesper-On Games, a Barcelona-based miniatures company. Carnevale made a huge splash in...

Whispers On The New Space Marines Chapter Tactics

On thing I noticed over the past weekend, as image by image the first views of the new Space Marines came in, was people wondering who and for what reason would drip-feed a leak like this? If somebody had an early White Dwarf, surely they’d either post nothing...

5 Fantastic Miniatures From Games Day Germany 2013

August 11th was the date of this years Games Workshop Games Day Germany. Though it appears Games Workshop did not reveal any new miniatures on this Games Day (such as.. well… Space Marines), the internet is overflowing with all sorts of awesome and inspiring...

The New Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Tactical Marines

The word has been out for a while that Games Workshop will be updating what may well be their best-selling box of plastic miniatures ever… the humble Tactical Space Marines. It really doesn’t get further to the core of the Warhammer 40K visuals than the...

Rumoured Rules For The Space Marines Centurions

Some rumours concerning the rules of the Space Marines Centurions appeared over on the Facebook page of 40KRadio. It appears they will be able to board a Land Raider, so I believe this also settles the question of what size the Centurions are? (e.g. “just”...