An Ancient and Two Lieutenants

I'm continuing to knock figures out for my Dark Angels 40K army. This week: an Ancient and two Lieutenants.All the figures continue to come from the Dark Imperium boxed set, and the bases are from the Sector Mechanicus box.More on the horizon.'Til next time.

Primaris Captain

I've been moving several painting projects forward (slowly) on the hobby table this week. Today, I said, "Screw it, I'm finishing something." So, off the table comes a Primaris Captain from the Dark Imperium set.The piece was painted in three parts: Body, Cape and...

Redemptor Dreadnought

Well, it's been some time since I've posted, and honestly, it's because I haven't done any painting for the last few months. No excuse...just got out of the habit.Regardless, a new model rolled off the hobby table this week: the new Primaris Redemptor...

Painting Exchange: 40K Officers and Chaos… Person

Things have been a bit Team Yankee heavy lately, so I'll  save our last battle report for a few weeks' time.  As Facebook friends will know, I've been busy lately with my Masters' disseration (The Challenges of Brigade Command for Volunteer and Professional Officers...

Model Memorial

I think this is a Great War minischap. Standing at attention like that, he just seemed perfect for a statue, and so that is what he has become. The stone here is rather rougher than it would be on a statue in real life, but it works for me. Halford's grey is the...