Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Poll Closed – The Results!

Al right. Time to close my Warhammer 40K Apocalypse poll and start something new. Well over 600 people cast their vote. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to do so. These things obvious do not (and cannot) adhere to any kind of representative sampling. Still, I...

Black Templar Rumours and Heavy Chainswords

I find it interesting how much foresight went into the Warhammer 40K 6th Edition rulebook. There are a lot of little bits in the book that only get to the table as new Codexes are released. The Vector Dancer rule was the obvious one with the recent Eldar Codex....

Codex: Tau Empire – Review

With all the new excitement surrounding the upcoming Farsight Enclaves Supplement, I thought I should finally sit down and write down my thoughts on the 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. Plentiful Options or Bland Gun-Line? There seem to be more or less two opinions on...

The Bolter and Chainsword Forums Need Your Help!

It’s not easy running a hobby site, blog or forum. Now, one of the most established discussion forums for Warhammer 40K and similar games has come down in an unfortunate mix of personal and technical problem: www.bolterandchainsword.com. The Bolter &...

Tau Empire Farsight Bomb – Is This The End?

The Farsight Enclaves Supplement for Codex Tau is nearly upon us. Among the previews shown by Games Workshop, a suspicious line was spotted that strongly hints at a possible FoC-switch-up – to make Crisis Suits troops – that would doubtlessly change how...