3 Miniature Kickstarters Worthy of Support

It has been a while since I wrote a post of this kind. To an extend, I suffered some Kickstarter / Crowd-funding burn-out, even though I immensely enjoy the crowd-funding loot I did (so far) receive, including the Massive Voodoo Figure Art book and, of course,...

40K Apocalypse Writ Large

Games Workshop’s revised Warhammer 40K Apocalypse is drawing closer. Along with the book, Games Workshop will release four new Finecast Space Marine Captains. Yet the big thing (sorry) everyone is looking for are, of course, Games Workshop’s big plastic...

Rumoured Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Price List

Thanks to the guys over on Dakkadakka, we have (rumours of) an Apocalypse release list with prices, in USD and Canadian Dollar, presented in a handy table. Have a look and see if your bank account / finance will let you play Apocalypse 40K Apocalypse 40K July Release...

Eldar Codex Available for Android and Kindle

Games Workshop’s decision to publish it’s Warhammer 40K Codex books (and Warhammer Fantasy Army books) as eBooks is still a fairly new one, all things considered. Thus far, GW’s eBook publications (as opposed to Black Library’s eBook...
Osgiliath Veterans / Warriors of Minas Tirith

Osgiliath Veterans / Warriors of Minas Tirith

 Some more additions to my Gondorian force for playing LOTR games - this time the bulk of my contingent of Warriors of Minas Tirith.They've been converted to look more battle worn, which means that I can use them as Osgiliath Veterans should I wish - useful,...