Pictures of the Apocalypse 40K Space Marines

With barely a week to go until Games Workshop unveils their new version of Apocalypse 40K, a few pictures of the new miniatures have arrived via Reddit. Once again, the original source appears to be the Chinese search engine Baidu. Have a look at these four Space...

Do You Need the Iyanden Book for an Iyanden Army?

Do you need the Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex to play an Iyanden army? To play a “fluffy” Iyanden army? To play an “effective” Iyanden army? The short answer to all three questions is: No! #1 – Five Optional Iyanden Rules...

Indiegogo Loot – Figure Art Book by Massive Voodoo

A Saturday surprise arrived at my door this morning: The Figure Art book from Massive Voodoo (i.e. painters Raffaele Picca & Roman Lappat), financed with an Indiegogo campaign last year. ‘Figure Art’ turned out to be a spectacular book. It is six...

Forge World’s Space Marine Glaive Super-Heavy Tank

This week’s Friday release from Forge World is one nasty Space Marines Super-heavy: the Glaive, described as a  ”Super-heavy Special Weapons Tank is a variant of the Fellblade“. I briefly pinned a picture of the Glaive on The more I...

Games Workshop’s UK Games Day 2013 Cut To Size

Summer is coming in fast all across Europe, even the UK (believe it or not!). Games Workshop’s Games Days all around the world are drawing closer. A few bits about the UK Games Day in September have been published via the Facebook page of Games Workshop:...