Steam Launch 2

Pre-painted stage is here. Here's the finished steam launch on the desk and afloat on the wine-dark sea.

Warhammer 40K Codex Adepta Sororitas Cover

In today’s Newsletter, Games Workshop unveiled the new cover art for the upcoming digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas. The initial art shown in the White Dwarf preview was older, recycled artwork, but this one appears to be a newly commissioned piece? At least I haven’t...

Vikings Phase Two: Shield Maidens FINISHED!

Hi everyone,The last post of this series - YAHOO!  As you can see my viking force is now ready.I chose two new figures to replace the other two with horned and winged helmets.The first was from a company called BAD SQUIDDO and the other was another scratch built...


This ended up looking really quite huge next to the model, which is going to inform my choices about scaling in future. Fundamentally, I make doors too big, and that then throws everything else off. The window's a bit skewiff, too. Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with...

Vikings Phase Two: The Shield Maidens pt.7

Hi everyone,So today I start the last four miniatures of my Viking force for SAGA.  This will close the second phase of the project.Now just to let you know in advance, I made a few small changes to the last four figures which you will see in the next and last...