Rumoured Rules for the New 40K Eldar Wraithknight

Tomorrow should see the official release of the new White Dwarf and, with it, the pre-orders for the new Eldar miniatures. Apparently, the lucky Warhammer 40K fans of France also received Games Workshop’s official email announcing the new release a few days...

DreadBall Mech – Mantic’s Digital Sculpt for DreadBall!

Mantic Games is frantically producing one great game after another. They are now on Kickstarter for Deadzone, a Sci-Fi skirmish game promising to bring easy, fast game-play of board games to the table (read the Interview with Jake Thornton for details). Though...

Illic Nightspear – Did Mat Ward Write the Eldar Codex?

The Eldar will arrive this weekend (for pre-orders at least) to the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K. Games Workshop’s been exceptionally tight on this one, though the first images from the White Dwarf have started to appear the last couple of days. If you...

5 Golden Demon Winning Eldar Miniatures

The Eldar are back! After weeks of silence with only a rare few whispers on the next Codex-release for Warhammer 40K, news finally broke: The Craftworld Eldar arrive with a shiny new 6th Edition Codex and new miniatures, including the massive (allegedly...

Rumoured U.S. Prices for Warhammer 40K Eldar

Whispers have been about concerning the prices for the Eldar. It appears increasingly certain that the new Wraithknight will indeed be significantly larger than, say, the Tau Riptide. And significantly more expensive, priced at about the level of the current Games...