How Good are the Tau Signature Systems? – Part 2

Signature Systems are the Tau equivalent to Dark Angels Chapter Relics and Chaos Space Marines Artifacts, unique one-per-army items that grant an HQ (mainly) cool, unique abilities. The 6th Edition Tau Codex lists a record eight unique Signature...

Beer League Quarter Finals, and X-Wing Miniatures

Yesterday I played a fun, close game against Lance`s Space Marines. I posted a full batrep, with photos, on the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts' blog: People have been posting about the Star Wars:...

How Good are the Tau Signature Systems? – Part 1

Signature Systems are the Tau equivalent to Dark Angels Chapter Relics and Chaos Space Marines Artifacts, unique one-per-army items that grant an HQ (mainly) cool, unique abilities. As with the two 6th Edition Codexes noted above (the Chaos Daemon Codex...

New Eldar Flyer Rumours: Nightshade and Hemlock?

I am still in the middle of digesting the new Tau Empire Codex. Despite this, Games Workshop’s recent breakneck speed seems to continue unabated, with Craftworld Eldar apparently up next. Though I have no way to back-up or verify the rumours floating about, I...

Tau XV88 Broadside Suits: Are Heavy Rail Rifles Useful?

Tau XV88 Suits – Broadsides – are one of the Tau Empire units that got both an awesome new plastic kit and a bunch of interesting new options with the new 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. As I am tinkering around with the new Tau Codex for Warhammer 40K, I...